Friday, 22 October 2010

I've moved

I'm shutting this old girl down

and I've headed over here

Thursday, 7 October 2010

PlayStation Move

PlayStation® Game Runners – Next level street gaming

PlayStation believe the best games are played as a group. That's why they've set up Game Runners - an experimental project where PlayStation, members of the public and young people from diverse backgrounds come together to create social games (something close to my heart from the work I've been doing for the last few years).

The project has been developed by PlayStation and Hide & Seek with a team of 8 initial Game Runners who PlayStation have picked to train as game designers and work to make the games relevant.

For those of you down in London this Friday (8th) here are 4 reasons why you should come down to the awesome final Game Runners event:

1. Play a monster sized version of Blocks (game rules below)
2. Between 5.30-6pm you can win a PS3 and PlayStation Move start up kit
3. Watch End of the Line graffiti artists.
4. The whole event is presented by urban street dance queen Kimberlee Jay

Event details are this Friday 8th October 12 noon - 8.30pm. Elys Yard, The Old Truman Brewery,Hanbury Street London E1.
RSVP at the facebook event

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Monday, 28 June 2010

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Yes Brian you look terrific - EVENT!

If you would like a stall drop me a mail at

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Just because///

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

The Creators Project | Mark Ronson

The Creators Project is a new network dedicated to the celebration of creativity and culture across media, and around the world.
Check out Mark Ronson as part of this exciting project on the link below///

The Creators Project | Mark Ronson

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Friday, 28 May 2010

Meet and Greet

Carly wears dress by Sonia Reikel
Anna wears playsuit by Dahlia

Wednesday, 26 May 2010



Monday, 12 April 2010

Mis Led

Great illustration

Sunday, 11 April 2010

SHE lost control

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

O this is silly

But I'm ill and cat videos cheer a gal up!

Saturday, 6 March 2010


"As the sun rises, the moon will surrender the night. But she (the moon) is always with him (the sun), even when he cannot see her. That must be a great comfort to him."

Anna and the King

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Breast is Best

Fuck you

There are moments
I just want to say

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Sunday, 14 February 2010


The Great Fires

Love is apart from all things
Desire and excitement are nothing beside it.
It is not the body that finds love.
What leads us there is the body.
What is not love provokes it.
What is not love quenches it.
Love lays hold of everything we know.
The passions which are called love
also change everything to a newness
at first. Passion is clearly the path
but does not bring us to love.
It opens the castle of our spirit
so that we might find the love which is
a mystery hidden there.
Love is one of many great fires.
Passion is a fire made of many woods,
each of which gives off its special odor
so we can know the many kinds
that are not love. Passion is the paper
and twigs that kindle the flames
but cannot sustain them. Desire perishes
because it tries to be love.
Love is eaten away by appetite.
Love does not last, but it is different
from the passions that do not last.
Love lasts by not lasting.
Isaiah said each man walks in his own fire
for his sins. Love allows us to walk
in the sweet music of our particular heart.

--Jack Gilbert--

(from "The World")

Love means to learn to look at yourself
The way one looks at distant things
For you are only one thing among many.
And whoever sees that way heals his heart,
Without knowing it, from various ills -
A bird and a tree say to him: Friend.
Then he wants to use himself and things
So that they stand in the glow of ripeness.
It doesn't matter whether he knows what he serves:
Who serves best doesn't always understand.

--Czeslw Milosz--
translated from Polish by the author

Saturday, 13 February 2010



Vice - Cold War bunker

....scouting the empty hilltop listening station, going down into Berlin’s underground bunkers; we’re investigating the abandoned spaces that the Cold War left behind...we’re meeting old soldiers who are telling us stories of a city filled with thousands of spies and governmental agencies...we’re heading down into the mythical bunkers of Berlin to see what’s left...we’re putting our boots on and climbing through the city’s spy labyrinths, into the buildings that housed the hidden world of military espionage....//

Sunday, 7 February 2010






I think you're a contra

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Friday, 15 January 2010

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


New band alert

"I kept my semen to myself"

Sunday, 10 January 2010

That's you in a year

Thoughtful Lance. Mirthful Lance. Two sides of a delightful coin.

via List of the Day

Friday, 8 January 2010
